Rhinoplasty near Jackson, MS
The decision to undergo nose reshaping surgery also known as rhinoplasty, is often very personal. We understand that may be the case, and we are here to help you make decisions to look your best. It’s our goal to avoid the “operated” look; instead, we want to sculpt your nose, so it creates a harmonious appearance that’s complementary to all of your facial features. We will use computer imaging to give you an idea of what may be possible.

Nose surgery is typically performed for cosmetic reasons, but it can also be done to enhance nasal function. Rhinoplasty can be used to alter nasal bone, cartilage, and skin. Sometimes all three are modified in a single surgical procedure. Dr. J Randall Jordan, a double board-certified facial plastic surgeon, has honed his skills and expertise to adjust the size, shape, and overall proportions of the nose while maintaining a completely natural look.
Interested in a nose job and live near Ridgeland or Jackson, MS? Rhinoplasty is one of our specialties. Learn more by reading on or scheduling a consultation with Faces, PLLC today!
What Are the Benefits of Rhinoplasty?
Rhinoplasty is performed to help make the proportions of the nose more in tune with the surrounding facial features. This versatile surgery can address:
- Nose size
- Nose symmetry
- Oversized or misshapen nostrils
- Bulbous nasal tips
- Nasal tips that droop, are upturned or slanted to one side
- Humps or dips in the bridge of the nose
- Nostril width and position
- Difficulty breathing
One of the pervasive myths of rhinoplasty is that it’s used to make the nose completely symmetrical. We often address this during initial consultations with patients and remind them that humans have naturally asymmetric faces. Focusing too much on perfect facial symmetry is what gives a patient the obvious “plastic surgery look.” What we’re trying to achieve through nose reshaping surgery is a better proportion.
Rhinoplasty is also commonly used by facial plastic surgeons to fix some of the issues caused by a deviated septum. A deviated septum can be congenital (occurs at birth) or caused by an injury, and the side effects can be unpleasant if left untreated. Airflow is reduced by a deviated septum because of displaced nasal tissue, which causes one nostril to be smaller internally than the other.
In cases where there is a deviated septum or an extremely narrow nose, correcting these issues by straightening or widening the nose to increase airflow also has the added benefit of making the nose look more proportional and attractive.
What is a Rhinoplasty Procedure Like?
Please keep in mind there is no one-size-fits-all answer we can use to explain what your rhinoplasty will be like. Nose surgery is one of the most complex facial plastic surgery procedures, and your particular set of circumstances may make your experience significantly different than the one we describe here.
Nose reshaping surgery is mostly performed as an outpatient procedure at one of the hospitals that we use. We typically recommend general anesthesia for this procedure as we feel patients are more comfortable with this. We use multiple medications to avoid nausea and to decrease swelling after surgery. Our goal is to make the process as comfortable and easy as possible.
Rhinoplasty can be performed using two different approaches, open or closed. During an open rhinoplasty, an incision is made along the columella, which is the soft tissue that separates the nostrils. This approach is often used for revision or more complex types of rhinoplasty. During a closed rhinoplasty, all the incisions are made inside the nose. At the time of your initial consultation, we’ll discuss which option is best based on your particular anatomy.
After the incisions are made, your facial plastic surgeon modifies the nasal structure to begin shaping the nose. This may include removing bone or cartilage or grafting new structural materials into your nose. After the correct shape is achieved, the surgical team will re-drape your skin and close the incisions. After a few days, you should notice your nose starting to heal and the results starting to show. Final results may take 6-12 months to appear as you continue to heal and the swelling subsides. Plan to take at least a week off work, and you should be able to resume normal activities that aren’t too strenuous after two to four weeks.
FAQs About Rhinoplasty Jackson, MS:
This is an excellent question and yes, it will still be your unique nose after a rhinoplasty with Dr. Jordan. There are rhinoplasty surgeons who attempt to make each nose look similar to other noses, but Dr. Jordan is not one of them. The goal of rhinoplasty is not only to improve the shape and function of your nose, but to maintain its own unique look.
Any surgery will have some pain or discomfort, and each person’s response to pain is different. Most patients will take a prescription pain medicine the night after a rhinoplasty and perhaps for a day or two afterwards, but not typically longer than that. Ibuprofen (Motrin, Advil etc) and Acetaminophen (Tylenol) are usually adequate for pain relief after a day or two.
Symptoms of nasal septal deviation are that of fixed obstruction, meaning that the nasal obstruction does not vary much over time, and is typically on one side. Occasionally both sides may be obstructed. Symptoms that vary over time are more likely to be allergic in nature or due to a problem with enlarged turbinates. However, the ultimate determination needs to be made during a consultation with a qualified surgeon.
Typically it is best to wait to have a nose job until skeletal maturity has been reached and growth has stopped-usually in the mid to late teen years. The person also needs to also be emotionally stable and mature enough to tolerate surgery. Occasionally, for severely deformed noses with complete nasal obstruction, surgery can be considered at an earlier age.
Nasal packing is not typically used any longer. However, thin sheets of soft plastic may be placed inside the nose for 1 week and removed during the first office visit.
With revision rhinoplasty there is scar tissue and abnormal cartilage as well as missing or deformed structures. The skin itself may be stiff or thinned from previous surgeries, making healing less predictable. The fact that revision rhinoplasty is needed at all may be more of a testament to the difficulty of correcting the original deformity or the individual’s healing ability, than to the skill of the previous surgeon.
Computer imaging is a very valuable tool for the rhinoplasty consultation, but it is only as reliable as the surgeon who performs the imaging. Dr. Jordan tries to give a realistic view of what may be accomplished, because he doesn’t want to create unrealistic expectations. There will always be some variation from the computer image and the final result. Overall, computer imaging is a very helpful tool, however, while it may seem obvious that the computer results are likely to be somewhat different from what patient results are after surgery, it’s important to make sure patients are aware of this beforehand to help manage expectations.
Dr. Jordan does all of his rhinoplasties under general anesthesia.
Dr. Jordan performs all rhinoplasty surgeries at Merit Health Hospital in Madison or at The University Medical Center’s Day Surgery Center.
Once you have awakened from anesthesia, you will be allowed to go home if all is well. You will be groggy and sleepy for most of the day. You may have to take medication for nausea. It may be difficult to breathe through your nose due to swelling and the splints. Try to stay in an upright position or with your head elevated to decrease swelling. Once your stomach has settled, you may eat and drink starting with something bland, like toast or jello, and advancing to regular food as you feel comfortable. Try to eat something before taking more pain medicine, and consider taking Tylenol instead of the prescription pain medication (if you can). You may shower normally the next day and it is fine if the external dressing gets water on it as it will stay on as long as you do not get hot and sweaty. Remember to take it easy- don’t try to do too much too soon!
Follow the instructions given to you at your pre-op appointment. Get a good night’s sleep. Wear comfortable clothing. Have a good reliable caretaker to drive you home and help you the first night. You may wish to have them stay longer as needed.
In some cases, patients will experience bleeding, infection, pain, and the possible need for a revision surgery (occurs in only 5-10% of patients).
Strenuous activity is restricted for 1 week, then a return to aerobic exercise is allowed. You may begin strength training at 2 weeks, but no contact sports for at least 6 weeks.
Read any material provided to you by our Patient Care Coordinator. Make a list of questions you want Dr. Jordan to address. Have an idea of what you would like to see improved by the surgery. Don’t bring photos of other people’s noses; your nose is your nose and theirs is already taken.
Creating Your Rhinoplasty Treatment Plan
Many factors and variations shape each rhinoplasty treatment plan. In the end, no two nose surgeries are the same, they are as unique as the person undergoing the procedure. At Faces, we like to take a logical approach with our patients to help them achieve their desired look. It’s our practice to take a step back and look at the big picture to get you the best results for your investment.
Visit our Procedure Pricing page to learn more about the cost of a rhinoplasty in Jackson, MSWant to find out more about how nose surgery can help you look younger, enhance your natural beauty, or help you overcome breathing difficulties? Dr. J. Randall Jordan at Faces in Ridgeland, MS, invites you to contact our facial plastic surgery practice for a consultation. Please call us at (601) 607-3033 or send us a message using our website.