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Acne At Any Age

One study found that nearly 54% of women over the age of 25 have some degree of facial acne. The Medical Aestheticians at Faces, PLLC in Ridgeland, MS, understand the frustrations patients feel when they continue to experience acne well into adulthood. In this brief blog, our skincare specialists share some simple reminders on ways to minimize an outbreak and how to treat it when it does happen.

It is important, though, to understand what it is when trying to treat it. We can run, but we can’t hide. It’s time to face acne head-on.

What is Acne?

Acne is a skin condition that occurs when hair follicles become clogged with an excess of dead skin cells and oil. When the pores become clogged, bacteria can form, thus causing lesions, aka pimples or “zits.” Although acne can occur at any age, it is most common during puberty and teenage years. While hormonal changes are the primary cause of acne, other factors can also contribute to this condition, including stress, diet, family history, certain medications, and improper or insufficient hygiene practices.

I Still Get Acne as an Adult—What Can I Do About It?

Who’s not guilty of ignoring some of the most basic recommendations on skincare because it can’t be that simple? Sometimes simple really does work! But remember that consistency is key in achieving the best results. It is essential to cleanse the skin both morning and night as well as after excessive sweating. Changing your pillowcases frequently and cleaning your cell phone are also helpful, as well as avoiding touching your face. And be aware that friction and pressure from hats, caps, and visors can be a potential culprit. Other triggers of adult acne include oil from the scalp, mineral oils, some cosmetics, dirty makeup brushes, and sleeping in makeup.

How do I treat acne?

A thorough evaluation of your skin by a skincare specialist is a great place to begin when considering acne treatments. Some of our favorite products to treat acne are SkinCeuticals Blemish and Age, SkinCeuticals LHA Cleanser, and Faces private label Gly-Sal Pads. While good hygiene habits and quality skincare products are primary, there are other ways to battle acne. Clinical treatments we recommend include routine facials and IPL (Intense Pulsed Light). A facial at Faces is like no other you’ll experience elsewhere. Each is customized to address your skin’s specific needs and your overall personal aesthetic goals.

Treatment for acne in the Jackson, Ridgeland, Madison, MS area

The Medical Aestheticians at Faces, PLLC in Ridgeland, MS, are knowledgeable and trained in the treatment of facial acne. To learn more about our skincare services and what options are available to treat your acne, contact our office by phone at (601) 607-3033 or online to schedule your personalized consultation with one of our expert skincare specialists today.